Wholesale Felted Soap 25 Bars


25 bars of Felted Soap in a variety of colors, made to order. Perfect to put in your Brick N Mortar Shop.

Each bar is individually labeled and ready for resale.  Your order will come with a descriptive card to place by product if desired.

Our soaps are now in a very large number of stores worldwide and most are reordering on a very frequent basis.

Soap base used is a lightly scented, and oh so yummy, Yardley Oatmeal and Almond 4.25 ounce bar (shrinks a bit during felting).

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25 pack of Wholesale Felted Soaps in a variety of colors, made to order. Perfect to put in your Brick N Mortar Shop.

Each bar is individually labeled and ready for resale.  Your order will come with a descriptive card (shown below) to place by product if desired.

Felted Soap Header
*Prolongs life of soap
*Fun to use

Felted Soap comes individually labeled. The back of each soap has a short informational description explaining the product.

The soaps are MADE TO ORDER although most orders ship within a few days of ordering, during busy times it may take 1-2 weeks of purchase (have to allow for wrapping, felting, and dry time). The soaps ship in a Medium Flat Rate Box USPS Priority Mail.

A large 4.25 ounce bar of Yardley’s gentle Oatmeal & Almond bar combines all natural oat grains and almond essence. It has a very pleasant light scent.

If you need special colors or shop name added to labels, please add a note during check out.  Adding this option is free, but takes just a bit of extra time.  Please know I am felting as fast as I can to fulfill your order.  Thank you!!!

If more than 25 soaps are needed, you can always add a 50 pack into your cart. (more than 75 soaps ship in two separate packages)

INTERNATIONAL? Please send me an email at Cyndi(@) TheTwistedPurl . com  with location for shipping options.


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